Christianity and Islam have kept the world spiritually asleep

BEYOND RELIGION AND CULTURE: I read a comment by the spiritual leader of Tibetans, His Lordship, Dalai Lama. He said that the problems with the world, with emphasis on the Paris terrorists attack, cannot be solved with prayers, as they were created by human beings and human beings should solve them. Conversely, on my spiritual pathway, I’ve realised that the problem the world has faced for ages is the problem that is associated to religion. Christianity and Islam have kept the world spiritually asleep but politically awake, with their literary preachments of division and conflict, creating a world of “Believers” and “Unbelievers”, “Saved” and “Unsaved”. It is my humble submission that the world should wake up above board to understand that majority of the troubles in the world are rooted in these religions – Judaism inclusive – or have religious colourations. Alas! These religions kill, destroy and hijack the peace of the world all in the name of dying for ‘God’. Hooey!
– Odimegwu Onwumere, Poet/Writer, Rivers State.